viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023

Action needed: error with your RSS feed

Hi Chitarero
Oops! It looks like some of your connected RSS feeds are failing. Please review the errors below:
Pinterest can't find images in your feed. Please make sure your feed has high quality images in <enclosure>, or <media:content> tags under each <item> tag.
Please check our Help Center for further details or to get help troubleshooting.
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3 tips for creating great Pins

The art of the Pin
We studied thousands of Pins to figure out which ones people engage with most. Here are our top 3 tips for making your Pins stand out:

Bring your best ideas: Great Pins are inspirational and actionable. Create Pins that help Pinners do things in real life.
Use the recommended aspect ratios—vertical standard Pins and full-bleed Idea Pins look best in Pinterest's feeds. We recommend a 2:3 aspect ratio (ex: 1000 x 1500 pixels) for standard Pins, and a 9:16 aspect ratio (ex 1080 x 1920 pixels) for Idea Pins.
Write helpful descriptions so people know what your Pin is about, and to better target your content to its intended audience.

Most importantly, create Pins weekly to keep your audience engaged. For more tips and tricks, check out our creative best practices.

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