martes, 11 de julio de 2023

Action needed: error with your RSS feed

Hi Chitarero
Oops! It looks like some of your connected RSS feeds are failing. Please review the errors below:
Pinterest can't find images in your feed. Please make sure your feed has high quality images in <enclosure>, or <media:content> tags under each <item> tag.
Please check our Help Center for further details or to get help troubleshooting.
651 Brannan Street · San Francisco CA, 94107
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There was an issue with your .csv upload

Hi Chitarero
It looks like there was an issue creating Video Pins from your .csv file. 23 rows uploaded successfully, but there was a problem with 2 rows. There's more details below.
Errors Pin title Board and Section
Failed to download video Girl231 Cool photo
Video Pin already exists Girl1059 Cool photo
If you're stuck, try troubleshooting in the Help Center.
651 Brannan Street · San Francisco CA, 94107
Help Center · Privacy Policy · Terms & Conditions
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Reset your password on Pinterest

We got your request
You can now reset your password!
Just so you know: You have 24 hours to pick your password. After that, you'll have to ask for a new one.

Didn't ask for a new password? You can ignore this email.

Keep your account extra safe

You can add extra security to your account by turning on two-factor authentication-we'll send you a text message every time you log in, to make sure it's really you.

Important information about your Pinterest account

Suspicious activity on your account
We noticed some strange activity on your Pinterest account so we reset your password and logged everyone out (including you). To get back on Pinterest, just reset your password.
Make sure the new password you choose for Pinterest is a strong one. This kind of thing can happen if the email and password you use on another site gets stolen or leaked, so create a unique password.

Keep your account extra safe

You can add extra security to your account by turning on two-factor authentication—we'll send you a text message every time you log in, to make sure it's really you.

If you're having trouble getting back into your account, get in touch.

Important information about your Pinterest account

Suspicious activity on your account
We noticed some strange activity on your Pinterest account so we reset your password and logged everyone out (including you). To get back on Pinterest, just reset your password.
Make sure the new password you choose for Pinterest is a strong one. This kind of thing can happen if the email and password you use on another site gets stolen or leaked, so create a unique password.

Keep your account extra safe

You can add extra security to your account by turning on two-factor authentication—we'll send you a text message every time you log in, to make sure it's really you.

If you're having trouble getting back into your account, get in touch.